Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Week 11...

This has been a good week! I feel like one morning I woke up and my stomach just wasn't the same- I have a baby bump- and I Love It! At first it wasn't so noticeable in the mornings, but "grew" as the day went on... but now it is there.... really neat.

The baby is now the size of a large lime. Its head is about half the size of it's body. (That is because it's going to be so smart!) It looks more like a baby now with arms, legs, facial features, hair follicles, and its moving around like taking water aerobics :) It's boy or girl parts are developing and will be complete in the next few weeks and we will be able to see at our 18 week appointment (hopefully).

This past weekend my family had some pictures taken and Brent and I got a chance to take a few also... below are our favorites! See you next week with more updates!

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