Friday, October 26, 2012

Week 14

It is hard to believe are at week 14 already. Well, actually today is 14 weeks and 3 days. Time really is going by pretty fast considering we are in our 2nd trimester already. I feel like we just found out we were pregnant a few days ago. But, it is feeling very real now and as my body keeps changing, it is more noticeable too. Most of my clothes are still fitting pretty good. My pants won't button but to be honest it is more comfortable that way anyways! I think Brent is starting to really "feel" like we are pregnant too as my belly grows. He stopped in the kitchen the other day and just looked at it with a smile and rubbed it... :)

 This week the baby is the size of a lemon, about 4" long and weighs about 1 1/2 ounces. Its head is now sitting more up on its neck and the body is growing faster than the head now. It can squint, move its mouth, urinate, and even could be sucking its thumb- if it is anything like me! The liver has started making bile this week and the spleen is helping in produce lots of red blood cells. I read in my book that if you feel right about your pelvis you can feel your uterus, a round shape. One night we were on the couch and I was laying back and feeling around, pushing around lightly, trying to find this shape in my body and Brent looks over at me and says "STOP IT" and I started laughing immediately because I knew exactly why he said that. He then said "STOP, that isn't good for the baby, you don't want to hurt it". :) so sweet (and funny)

We had our check up yesterday at the Doctor's office. We were seeing a different doctor this time, Dr. Durso. They say they like for you to see all the delivery doctors in the office just in case one of them is the one to deliver you if Jeri (our doctor) isn't there. He was very nice and I really liked him because he told Brent I could have as much ice cream as I wanted because it was a good source of calcium! So now he is my best friend. :)

This appointment was just a check-up. He went over my medical history, told me I was in good shape and could start running again and it was completely safe for the baby to do so, told me to get the FLU shot, and that I should start gaining more weight now. I weighed in at 133 lbs, 3 lbs total gain, and my waist is measuring 32 1/4" this week (1/4" larger than 2 weeks ago). I feel like I am getting larger outwards instead of wide. My mom said she thought my hips were about the same (filling in some of course) but that I was moving outwards. We have been measuring Brent too and he has stayed pretty consistent with his weight and measurements- let's see if that changes! We also got to hear the baby's heartbeat, which is the best sound in the world. It didn't take him anytime to find it... he just put the Doppler on my lower abdomen and there it was....We recorded it also so now I can listen to it whenever I want- which can be comforting waiting for the next appointment... the baby's heartbeat was 155 bpm. Below is the recording if you want to listen. (It is actually a video that shows the ceiling in the exam room- LOL)

We also took the 14 week pictures that are below.

Some say that you can feel your baby move around 16 weeks or so. That is so exciting to think I may be able to feel that soon. We have decided that we want to find out the sex of the baby- I thought I liked the idea of a surprise but I am just having a fit to go buy something and get the nursery started and that is VERY hard without knowing the sex.

We set our next appointment for 18 weeks and that is when they will do another sonogram and tell us the sex. We haven't had a sonogram since week 6 so things are going to look very different. The appointment is set for November 21st, right before Thanksgiving! We hope to share that great news with everyone shortly after! So, until next time- :)

Thursday, October 11, 2012

12 weeks

I am a few days late this week with an update. I forgot to take my measurements and a picture on Tuesday so I had to set a reminder on my phone to do it yesterday. Maybe that is part of the P-Brain (pregnancy brain) we used to tease Brittany about all the time :) I have noticed little things that I am forgetting... but nothing too major which is good so far I guess.... 

I have been feeling good this week. The nausea is pretty much completely gone now and mostly I feel like I have plenty of energy. I have started back going to some work out classes (at a very low impact rate) I was doing before and still walking a few times a week, usually about 2.5 miles each time. The weather has been so nice it feels great! I am hoping that I can get permission from the doctor at our next appointment to start running/jogging a little bit. Not running 10 miles or anything, but just about 2 or 3, or whatever my body can handle. Maybe even just a walk and jog would be nice- I just don't like not being able to do something. The workout class I started back going to is called Ripped- a little hand weights and cardio stuff. I just don't do any of the jumping around stuff, but instead do the moves without jumping! 

I had a weird thing happen to me on Monday morning. I did my "usual" of getting settled into work and then get my breakfast ready. I am hungry much earlier now so I eat much sooner than before. Plus I am not getting full on coffee anymore so I am sure that has something to do with it. So I went to the sink to wash off my spoon and all the sudden felt like I may throw up. I didn't smell or see anything that triggered that feeling, just came out of no where. So, I figured I should probably go to the restroom just in case. I didn't want to be hovered over a trash can as faculty and students walked by the break room. A very good decision on my part as right when I got the restroom I got sick. It lasted just a minute or so and of course it feels horrible at the time, but then a few minutes later I was fine. So strange...... 

We are now 12 weeks pregnant. Very hard to believe the first trimester is almost over! The baby is about 2 1/2" long this week. About the size of a large plum! It is so cute too, or what my book says it looks like is really cute :) It weighs about 1/2 oz. It's organs like the small intestine are starting to work, its opening and closing its mouth, hands and little fingers, and it can even squint. Also our book says that if you push on your stomach where the baby is, he/she can feel it and is moving around. We are really wondering if it is a boy or a girl.... so excited to know! My waist is now measuring 32" inches (the same from 10 weeks) so a 2" inch growth from the beginning. Brent's waist is also the same from 10 weeks, he was happy about that :) The picture from this week is below...

It is nice now that I don't feel like I am keeping secret from everyone and I can just talk about it whenever I want and tell anyone I want! Most people that I work with know now and our friends all know. It is very exciting- and now the "shock" factor that we are actually pregnant has gone away it is part of our life. I must say that I have the BEST husband in the world- he has really been very sweet to me and is making sure that I have what I need, I'm getting enough rest, feeling okay, and of course making sure I am not eating too much cheese dip (if that is even possible) LOL. He really has started helping with more stuff around the house and just being great and I really appreciate it and love him!

We will see you back here in the next week or so with more updates and another picture! :)

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Week 11...

This has been a good week! I feel like one morning I woke up and my stomach just wasn't the same- I have a baby bump- and I Love It! At first it wasn't so noticeable in the mornings, but "grew" as the day went on... but now it is there.... really neat.

The baby is now the size of a large lime. Its head is about half the size of it's body. (That is because it's going to be so smart!) It looks more like a baby now with arms, legs, facial features, hair follicles, and its moving around like taking water aerobics :) It's boy or girl parts are developing and will be complete in the next few weeks and we will be able to see at our 18 week appointment (hopefully).

This past weekend my family had some pictures taken and Brent and I got a chance to take a few also... below are our favorites! See you next week with more updates!