She is very active because I feel her move pretty often. Sometimes I feel her on both sides of my belly at the same time which is just showing how long she is :) My waist is now measuring 35" around and I'm weighing 145 lbs, which is a 15 lb gain so far. Below are the 24 week photos. I can really notice that my belly is getting round and can see it coming off of my ribs a lot when I look into the mirror. I do have a feeling that my belly button will be popping out at some point because it is pretty flat right now :)
We have started to get ready for the baby by getting the nursery together. Our office will now be sharing the room with our guest bedroom so the nursery will be our old office room, which is the smaller of the two. We ordered new carpet to get everything all clean before she arrives. Brent pulled up the old carpet and is going to paint the room this week. We are doing the room in grey and yellow with elephants and giraffes. The walls are mostly white with the top half a soft yellow. The furniture we ordered is black and we have the bed and dresser ready to be put together once the room is ready. We got some really cute nursery items for Christmas. Catherine made us book ends that are grey and yellow elephants. She is very creative! Our baby bed was a gift also from my parents for Christmas. I can't wait to put it together and get everything up :)
We will also have a baby name to share soon! :)
How sweet it is to share in this wonderful experience with you, my sweet grandchildren!!!! I really love the colors you chose and elephants and giraffes are soooo cute!! Hope you feel better soon. Thank you for going to the effort to share all of the good news!!!! Love you dearly, Nana xoxoxoxoxoxox