Friday, September 28, 2012

10 Weeks

Monday night, Brent and I read our new chapter in our weekly pregnancy book. It was really neat to see that the baby actually looks like a baby. It has fingers and toes, long legs and arms, all of the internal organs are developed and functioning, it is between 1 1/4" and 1 3/4" long, about the size of a small plum. The eyelids are fused shut until around week 27 or 28. The baby actually weighs something now too, about a quarter of an ounce. Also, peach fuzz is starting to grow on the skin..... 

Yesterday we had our 10 week check up at the doctor's office. My Mom got to come with us and it was great! We got to hear the little heart beat through the Doppler. It was a little hard to find and a little to the left of my belly button, and much lower. Once the doctor found it, it was so clear to hear and made me smile! It was in the 160 bpm range- They also weighed me and I am now at 131 lbs. This is 1 pound less than last time- but I am assuming it is because of my appetite. Which- is now slowly coming back and the nausea is starting to go away. Thank goodness for that! I'm ready to ditch these saltine crackers for good. All of my blood work came back in normal ranges and looked good. My waist is measuring 32" and most of my pants are getting tight in waist, so I have been keeping them unbuttoned, otherwise they fit great still. Below is our 10 week picture:

Our next appointment will be at the 14 week mark and then again at 18 weeks. At the 18 week appointment we will get to do another sonogram and see how the baby is growing and find out if it is a boy or girl :) So, until next time....

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Week 8

It is so awesome to think we are 8 weeks along now, a whole 2 months of being pregnant! Wow. Sometimes it still can be a little bit of a shocker when I really think about it. It is amazing just knowing what is growing inside of me. I have been reading Your Pregnancy, Week by Week and love it so far. It breaks down each little thing that is going on with the baby by weeks so it is easy to read. Brittany recommended this book over any others and she was right, it is great! My wonderful Mom (soon to be grandma!) bought it for me as my first pregnancy gift! J

This week the baby is between ½” to ¾” long, about the size of a pinto bean or kidney bean. The arms and legs are growing long and webbed fingers and toes are poking out. More than likely they will not stay webbed for long- unless this child is going to be like my Mom, Alex or Catherine. Ha! The eyelids are almost completely covering the eyes. The brains nerve cells are growing rapidly and connecting with one another.

I have been feeling waves of nausea and haven’t really craved anything so far. Except this morning a guy I work with brought in jalapeno spicy Cheetos and they were amazing. I can’t quit thinking about them now! I have really not felt like eating meat- it is kind of sad. Last night Brent made tacos and I couldn’t stand to look at the ground beef, much less eat it. So I have a grilled cheese instead. Bland foods like mashed potatoes and mac-n-cheese have really been good to me. We also bought a juicer this weekend so I have been making a smoothie every morning to make sure I am getting plenty of fruits and veggies. I really like them!

I feel like I am showing some- most of my clothes still fit. I just have to unbutton them as the day goes on if they get tight. Below is our 8 week picture- and my stomach is measuring 30". (Which is what it was measuring 2 weeks ago too)


One thing I have really noticed is it feels like the size of my bladder has decreased by 100. I get up in the middle of the night like 4 times and during the day lots too. I do feel tired often, but am starting to feel better during the day if I can keep the nausea away. I keep saltines on my desk and have enjoyed drinking decaf Earl Gray tea… yum!

After our first doctor’s appointment, we discussed me still being able to run some. Not train for another marathon, but run shorter distances. She said that was fine since I was already pretty active. Last week, my Mom and I ran for the first time since I found out I was pregnant. It felt great, until the next morning when I started spotting some. It worried me, but went away after almost two days. I have since decided to hold off running until we get further along. It made me really nervous and I don’t think I can deal with that each time. So for now, I will stick to walking.

Until next week.....